If you’re looking for ideas for a Batman Birthday Party set up, Jennifer has created a masterpiece for her son Maddox’s 5th Birthday. We supplied the backdrop and other printables, however, Jennifer was behind the amazing party table set up. What an incredible job!
Batman Invitation
Pip from Sprinkle With Style approached me about doing a Modern Batman Theme for her son’s birthday. She knew exactly how she wanted to style the party so we combined our skills and this party set up was the result. I think it looks great and I had so much fun with this unique style that I decided to use it for my son’s birthday – it was a huge hit!
Each year I design a new theme for my son’s birthday. This year he had an obsession with superheroes – any kind of superhero. Now you may be thinking BAM that’s the theme for his birthday party done and dusted, just combine Marvel and DC superheroes into one, but as they say in Ghost Busters “never cross the streams”, so I had to choose one or the other. As my son was turning four I still had some pull over which superhero to choose so I went with Batman, luckily he loved it, hope you do too.